Monday, October 21, 2013

Pre Wedding Bridal Party photo shoot

I've known Mariko for just over a decade. And I've known Jacob for almost just as long. I've seen them both grow in so many ways in just the past 10 years and seen the many ups and downs of their relationship along the way that have brought them to be the beautiful people they are, inside and out. One of my favorite memories of Jacob is when I went to a haunted house at the Super Mall in Auburn, and I see him standing outside at the end, turns out he was that scary guy at the end with the chainsaw! I got a total kick out of that. He was such a wangster back in the day, it makes that story that much funnier! ;) 
And I have way too many fun memories of Mariko! One of my more recent favorites was when she came camping with me in the San Jaun Islands. Mariko is one of those friends that you could only wish you were so lucky to have! She's so sweet and kindhearted and would do anything she could for someone she truly cared about. I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful friend like her in my life! 
After taking Mariko and Jacob's engagement photos, they asked if I would take some photos of their bridal party for their wedding website. A pre-wedding bridal party shoot?! What a great idea! 
I love the idea of getting together with all your best friends and just being silly in front of the camera. 
I can't wait until these two tie the knot next August and I get to spend another day with all these super fun people! 

1 comment:

  1. awww Mary you're too sweet! Love you! and love all the great work you've done so far!
